Fullscreen Site Navigation

Last Update
5 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

FSN (Fullscreen Site Navigation) is a JavaScript plugin that lets to build in the easy and quick way a fullscreen website. FSN can be integrated into any cms or website template: it provides only the structure and the algorithm to make it work, the rest is on the designer hand. So you can understand that it’s very flexible and it adapts to any user requirement. Browser compatibility FSN is compatible with all browsers:

Chrome Firefox Safari Opera IE9 IE8 IE7


Html5 structure Menu system navigation Keyboard navigation Arrows navigation Dots navigation Url navigation Ajax content Scrollbar customization Adaptive layout Configuration file IE6 Alert Background image Cross Browser Cross Device


03/05/2013 – Bug fixes background image – Bug fixes navigation arrows – Added the possibility to place the bar over the content 11/15/2012 – Added in the package a demo like the preview template 11/10/2012 – Added the possibility to exclude pages or sections from the menu 10/31/2012 – Bug fixes on IE6 Alert