Responsive Tile Gallery

Last Update
6 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Your websites are responsive. Your galleries should be too!

Responsive Tile Gallery is a completely responsive image gallery. It allows your visitors to easily sort and view all of your images. It also allows you to put your images into categories, load thumbnails instead of full resolution images, and develop responsive websites for all platforms.

Check out the live preview to see it in action. Re-size your browser window to see the images rearrange themselves!

Responsive Tile Gallery Features:

A fully responsive image gallery Ability to put images into category, and let users sort through them View full resolution images in a beautiful lightbox Add captions to your images in the gallery and in the lightbox Option to use thumbnail images for faster load times Ability to use images as links to any URL Link to a specific category with hash anchor tags Uses CSS Transitions with jQuery fallbacks for improved performance Cross-browser compatible (from IE8 and up)

Supported Browsers / Platforms Responsive Tile Gallery is supported on IE8 and up, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iPhone, iPad, Android Devices, and most devices with web support.

Documentation / Support Responsive Tile Gallery comes with complete documentation, from installation features to CSS theme customization!

This is not a WordPress Plugin.

Need help? Contact me through my profile.

Your Voice Matters 100% of feature updates to the Responsive Tile Gallery were user suggestions. This is your product, and as such, you deserve the right to influence it.

Update History

Version 2.3 August 6th 2013

Extended licenses are confusing. Switching to magnific popup for the lightbox.

Version 2.1 June 1 2013

Fixed bugs I created. Thanks to my fine customers for pointing them out!

Version 2.0 May 31 2013

Updated captions Updated LightBox Fixed jQuery 1.9 bugs Reduced the amount of files required Fixed a ton of small bugs

Version 1.3 December 7th 2012

Added support for image captions Added support for linking to a specific category ex:

Fixed IE7 and IE8 bug related to the initial appearance of images

Version 1.2 November 15th 2012

Added a categoryOptions object that allows your to specify category details. Added defaultCategory option to categoryOptions. You can now pick the initial category the gallery should show. Add includeAll options tocategoryOptions. This allows you to enable or disable the ‘All’ category. Added documentation for linking directly to a URL. Removed CSS bug related to current category font color.

Version 1.1 November 10th 2012

Images can now be in multiple categories Added an initialHeight option Fixed Opera and IE7 bugs Improved sorting performance

Version 1.0 October 27th 2012

Initial Release