WP Envato

Last Update
16 November 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Since the update on 8th July 2010, you can now choose to display your recent items, popular items, or everyone’s recent items.

WP-Envato is a simple and easy-to-use WordPress plugin widget to display your most recent Envato items from a selected marketplace. When the plugin is installed, you just drag and drop the widget to the sidebar and edit your username and that’s it!

This plugin helps gain maximum exposure of your Envato items without the hassles of manually updating every time you add a new file.

Non Authors Can Still Earn Money!

You don’t need to be a marketplace author to use this widget. If you display popular files last week, and enter your username for the referrals you can earn 30% of their first deposit! For more information about about the Envato Marketplaces referral scheme, please visit the Referral Wiki page.


Very simple install No coding experience necessary to set it up To edit the layout of the items and the CSS then some knowledge is required Uses the official Envato API , so it is stable and speedy Caches results so saves bandwidth and load times Ability to edit the minutes between each refresh (default is 60 minutes) Ability to select how many items to display (1 to 10) Fully tested and Compatible with IE6 , IE7, IE8 , FireFox 2, FireFox 3, Safari 3, Safari 4, Safari 5, Mobile Safari (iTouch, iPhone & iPad), Opera 10, Opera Mini (iPhone), Chrome 4 and Chrome 5. Requires a cURL enabled hosting to connect to the API Updates

8th July 2010

Added ability to specify the title of the widget Added option to choose to display your most recent items, everyone’s popular items from last week, everyone’s popular items from last 3 months, or a random selection of everyone’s recent uploads. 18th June 2010

Added ability to specify a referral username