Total Dynamic Sidebar

Last Update
26 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Create as many dynamic sidebars as you want. Place the sidebar in the content area or in the body. Each dynamic sidebar have it’s own setting, or copy the setting from the theme sidebar to take the same style. Global setting makes all created dynamic sidebar follow the the settings.

Key Features & options Supports All Widgets All registered widgets can be attached to the created dynamic sidebars.Sidebar Parameters supports individual or global sidebar parameters – Sidebar description. – Before and after sidebar. – Before and after widget. [docs]. – Additonal widget class. – Before and after widget title. [docs] – Copying parameter from the theme registered sidebar.Widget Layouts a grid system drag and drop widget custom layouts.Sidebar Layouts custom sidebar background image, color, width and title.Post Types enable the created dynamic sidebar for selected post types.Sidebar Positions – Above and under the content. – Left and right the content. – Fixed top, left, right and bottom page. Plugin settings with Ajax and jQuery UI powered.Custom Style & Script if you want to add additional CSS style or javascript per widget selector or global.Changes Log 1.0.[ Initial Release ]

Support and Features Request This plugin does not match to your site style? Is this script not quite working as it should? Having trouble installing? Or need some custom modifications that aren’t already included? Or you want more features on next release? Feel free to get in touch about any of your queries via profile page.