jQuery Store Locator

Last Update
29 July 2013
Regular License


jQuery jLocator Plugin is a jQuery store locator plugin uses Google Maps API V3. No database required. The plugin is based on jQuery jPList Plugin to enable searching, sorting, filtering and pagination for your stores (all jPList features can be used).

Controls Examples

Default preview

Dropdown filters demo

Text search demo

Radio button filters demo

Map Examples

Different map pins demo (flags)

Directions demo

Search within radius

General Features

No database required Google API V3, no key required All stores are declared in HTML, stores HTML structure is flexible and can be changed easily. Any additional info can be added to a store. Map pin can be replaced by any image/icon User location detection (geolocation) Supports directions

Search stores by address, city or postal code. Sort stores by title or any other property. Stores auto pagination Can be added several kinds on filters: checkbox filters with and/or logic, dropdown filters and textbox search

Fully customizable styles Works in all major browsers Annotated source code JSDoc documentation Updates on 07/26/2013

Better documentation Code review

Updates on 03/15/2013

Added demo: Add stores dynamically

Fixed search by countries Fixed viewport in responsive demo

Updates on 01/31/2013

Added Responsive version

Added autocomplete with radius (miles/km)

Updates on 12/20/2012

Added directions support

Added closing info windows the store click

Updates on 10/30/2012

Radio buttons filter demo page Text search demo page Flags demo page