Netsa Document File Lister

Last Update
24 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Netsa Document File Lister is a web based application that automatically scans a server folder, iterating through all child folders and creating a spreadsheet display showing Icon, File Name, Modified Date, Size and Extension. The app has the following features.

V1.0.3 January 2013 Updates

New Feature: Tables are sorted alphabetically, other setting are available in the ajax.php file. Fixed: IE8 error fixed when collapsing a table.

V1.0.2 October 2012 Updates

Option to record the number of times a file has been downloaded through the direct link and group link, updates the page automatically without having to refresh the page. Property to change column Download Counter description header. Fixed: Clicking on a download group when no links were checked caused a file not found error.

V1.0.1 October 2012 Updates

Mark all the files you wish to share. Mark all the files you wish to download. Global mark all for To:, Cc: or Bcc. Property to change the description of the page label. Property to change column Name description header. Property to change column Modified description header. Property to change column Size description header. Property to change column Extension description header. Property to change column Share description header Property to change column D-Load description header. Property to change column Mark description header.


Optimized Ajax/jQuery. Each file is downloadable by clicking on the file name. Set the number of files displayed for each page. Sortable by any column. Expand to show all files or contract to show zero files. Assign your own icons to each file type. Assing your own colours to each table, the app will loop around when it has reached the end of your assigned colours. Search while you type (The table will automatically filter your results as you type in the seach box). Filter by Name. Filter by Extension. Share document links with mail. Add Subject and Body to mail message. Assign predefined mail addresses.