quickmanager - project & client manager

Last Update
22 June 2013
Regular License

quickManager is a powerful project & client management suite designed for freelancers. With a huge number of features from client support tickets to invoice management all wrapped up within an amazing user interface giving you an out of the box user experience.

quickManager supports you, your clients and your contractors (or employees) so you can all work together in one environment to produce better results and build better relationships.

Note: For QuickManager you need a CSS3 standard browser.

Administrator: username: admini password: password

Contractor: username: james password: password

Client: username: jamessmith password: password

Note: QuickManager demo re-sets itself on the hour, every hour, so if you see some of your changes get undone please make sure to check the time. File uploads have also been restricted on the demo server.

Have a look at the documentation:

Documentation (pdf) can be viewed before purchase.

user guide : here (detailed screenshots from the appendix can be found here)

contractor guide : here

client guide : here

For You: Workflow Management

Create to-dos and link them to a project. Alerts you to open support tickets that you have not responded to. Alerts you to overdue invoices that have not been paid. Alerts shown right in your dashboard.

Accounts Management

Create new invoices for clients and attach billable items individually to create customised invoices. Create pdf versions of those invoices. View incomings and outgoings. Narrow data per project or per client giving you an indepth view of your revenue streams. Get a quick overview of your accounts. Set date ranges for accounts data.

Project Management

Create and edit projects. Attach users (contractors/employees) to projects giving you a fine grain control of who can see which project. Search for projects and/or narrow by clients. Attach project tasks (billable items for invoices) that allows you to record revenue and hours per task. This also allows you to monitor/track project progress at task level.

New for v1.1 – Time tracking per task which feeds directly into billable items for invoices. Each task can have a different hourly rate. Fully editable time tracking data for full control

Attach project expenses (these feed into the accounts system to allow you to control your cash flows). Upload files – files can either be marked as “internal” (so can only be seen by you and your attached contractors) or marked as “customer” (so only you and your clients can see the files). This reduces the risk of accidental disclosure between parties. View support tickets from your clients and respond to them (support tickets are supported by email notifications when someone (your or your client) responds to a support ticket). Support tickets can only be seen by you and your clients. Start and take part in internal project discussions that can only be viewed by you and your contractors (only those attached to the project) allowing you greater freedom to carryout your work with your contractors/employees without interference from your clients. User & Organisation Management

Add new users (administrators/clients/contractors) – all with their own dashboard. Add organisations – this includes vendor organisations to which project expenses can be attached. For example you can add codecanyon as a vendor and attach project expenses related to scripts purchased from codecanyon to this vendor.

For Your Contractors/Employees:

Dedicated to-do list per contractor. Project search (can only see project they are attached to). Upload project files (will always be marked as internal to prevent accidental or malicious disclosure to clients). Start and Take part in internal project discussions between other contractors and the site administrator.

For Your Clients:

Can search their own projects (a client user can see all the projects for their organisation). Can upload files (always marked as “customer” files so cannot be accidentally be seen by contractors – thus helping reducing the chance of confidential information being disclosed) . Upload project files (will always be marked as internal to prevent accidental or malicious disclosure to clients). Can start and respond to support tickets.

Tags: jquery php project management invoices pdf client manager mysql database support tickets discussions contractors to-do