Tweetly - Stylish Tweet To Unlock Wordpress Plugin

Last Update
1 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

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What does it do?

Tweetly requires your clients/users to tweet the current page or post to their profile before displaying the locked content. This isn’t just any old unlocking plugin; Tweetly is a stylish CSS3 animated box that catches the eye instantly. It’s fast, uses no resources except what is already built it to Wordpress.

This can be used to send out viral messages to everyone’s followers who tweet the current page or post. With over 500 Million Twitter Users, having a good content-filled site will drive traffic directly to your site using this lightweight plugin!

Core Features:

Fully Browser compatible from IE6 + Mobile Responsive. Works on Android, iOS and Opera Browsers. Clean PHP , Javascript (Minified) & CSS . Fast and responsive. Instantly Loads. Hassle free! CSS3 & HTML5 design. Responsive to any current design. Users have to tweet first before seeing content. Based on Twitter 1.1 API Very well documented. (Thorough!) Includes just 5 files to use the plugin only! Lifetime Updates for Free!

How easy is it to use?

It’s possibly the cleanest plugin ever. Just install and use!

How to install Quick Guide:

1)Unpack the .ZIP file from your download. The file you need is called "" 2) Go to your Wordpress Dashboard. 3) Click on "Plugins" from the left hand menu 4) At the top you should see "Add New", left-click it, then select "Upload" 5) Browse to "" file. 6) Once uploaded successfully, click "Activate Plugin".

How to use in your posts & pages?

AS OF 1 .2 UPDATE : (If you have purchased this, re-download!) Basic:

[tweetly]I'm some beautiful content. Lock me up![/tweetly]

Custom Title:

[tweetly title="Unlock your download"]...[/tweetly]

Custom Title & Messgae:

tweetly title="Unlock your download" message="Tweet to retrieve your [Download Link!"]...[/tweetly]

Simple as that!

Does this work multiple times in one Post/Page?

No. Why? This is to prevent unnecessary abuse of the plugin. If you do use multiple instances of [tweetly] in one post/page, once the user tweets one of the locked boxes within the post/page, it will unlock the rest within.

Also the PHP callback pulls information on the specific post/page ID. That ID is used to determine whether the Tweet was successful or not.

Is this fully compatible with Wordpress?

The plugin is fully compatible with 3.0.0 and up. This has been thoroughly tested.

Does it work on Mobile devices?


Animations? How do they work?

Purely CSS3 driven. These will not animate in IE9 and less. Animates flawlessly in IE10 . It also animates smoothly in all modern browsers.

Update Log: 1.0

Initial Release


Updated conflict in PHP the overwrote $content.

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