jQuery Super Notice

Last Update
2 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

jQuery Super Notice is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create easily nice and animated notices.

Notices can be full customized, positionned in any one of the screen’s corner, and have header, icons and buttons !

It can be used for your websites, your admin interfaces, contact forms send … Features

Very easy to use : $(“body”).superNotice(“Hello World !”);

Generator included, create your notification in a few seconds

9 show and hide effects

10 ease presets

11 CSS themes included , create your own easily

14 icons included, add yours easily

Add buttons to your notifications

Many options : autoclose, close on click or close button, title, icons ….

Notices are positioned intelligently, following the others

Auto-sizing icons (48px max)

Full modern browsers compatibility : IE8+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari …

Parameters and documentation You can find the full documentation on the live page . Updates 2012-10-17 :

Bug fixed on the generator Correction of the documentation

Support If you need help, contact me from my envato profile