Ken Burns Effect Slideshow for iOS

Last Update
10 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

WHAT IS KEN BURNS EFFECT ? The Ken Burns effect is a type of panning and zooming effect used in video production from still imagery. There is a demo included so you can better understand the features. Documentation included also! CONFIGURATION Here is what you can achieve with the Slideshow. Add an infinite number of images to the slideshow. Configure the slide direction and duration. Configure the slide crossfade duration. Configure the slide zoom type. SLIDE DIRECTIONS UISlideshowDirectionTopLeftToBottomRight UISlideshowDirectionLeftToRight UISlideshowDirectionBottomLeftToTopRight UISlideshowDirectionBottomToTop UISlideshowDirectionBottomRightToTopLeft UISlideshowDirectionRightToLeft UISlideshowDirectionTopRightToBottomLeft UISlideshowDirectionTopToBottom UISlideshowDirectionCenter UISlideshowDirectionRandom SLIDE DURATION The default slide duration is 20 seconds. SLIDE CROSSFADE DURATION The default slide crossfade duration is 3 seconds. SLIDE ZOOM TYPES UISlideshowZoomTypeIn UISlideshowZoomTypeOut UISlideshowZoomTypeRandom CHANGE LOG Version 1.0 – Initial release

TO DO : Adding image annotations, image effects such as sepia, grayscale, etc, slide controls to prev/next image.