Total Users Pro - WordPress Users Counter

Last Update
29 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Want to display the total number of your site users or total subscribers, followers or likes? Here it comes, the very powerful and easy to use plugin. You can display the total users in seconds. This plugin comes with shortcode generator, widget supports many instances, and custom PHP function with lots of arguments for your templates. It also comes with the short inline help or instruction for each option, so you can easily understand and manage the option only in single click.

The shortcode and widget options provide a list of roles + social profile with drag-drop arrangement you can sort with, hide or show role(s) or social profile or hide the with empty users. For additional options, you also can set the widget title icon and it’s background as the widget in the right page. With the given HTML selector, you can pass your style or scripts code per each shortocode or widget. Each widget or shortcode comes with it’s template styling, color, background color or even background image.

Key Features & options Beautiful user interface gives you the best experieces while customizing this pluginTotal social count for subscriber, folower or likes in widget for Facebook page likes, Twitter, Dribbble, Forrst, Digg, GitHub followers and Youtube subscribers with automatic updates.Sort Order This option gives you a list of registered roles so you can easily arrange the roles position with drag action.Visibility You can hide a couple roles and the total.Hide empty This option will hide the role with empty usersStyling There is a bunch of CSS styling option with colorpicker and predefined style. Custom widget title icon and background image. Intro and outro text for additional text before and after widget.Custom styles and scripts Gives the option to push the created styles or script per widget or shortcode.Shortcode for content and PHP function for templateMultiinstances widgetChanges Log 1.3 – 29 Janury 2013 - Total users and social icons added - Total social followers for Dribbble, Forrst, Digg, GitHub - Total social followers for Vimeo videos liked - 2 new templates added. 1.2 – 19 November 2012 - Adding total social count in widget for Facebook page likes, Twitter followers and Youtube subscribers. - Adding total social count default value - Adding additional plugin settings page 1.1 – 10 October 2012 - Fix shotcode function for no contentLive preview icons: Social Media Bookmark Icon

Support and Features Request This plugin does not match to your site style? Is this script not quite working as it should? Having trouble installing? Or need some custom modifications that aren’t already included? Or you want more features on next release? Feel free to get in touch about any of your queries via profile page.