Combine messages

Last Update
16 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

The combine message plugin is developed for people who work (a lot) with affiliate feeds.

The plugin gives you the ability to combine posts & post meta.

To be more specific, image you have two posts for a holiday to spain. The first posts is for 1 week and has a price of € 199,- and the second one is for 1 week with a price of € 189,-

The prices are saved as posts meta.

With this plugin you van combine the posts meta of both posts (all of the meta you want, so tour operator, price, duration, etc. The benefit is that you can compare prices in one posts in stead of having two of them!

This results in less duplicate content and your posts are more unique!


Combine posts (totaly!); Choose which posts has to stay (published) & the other one(s) will be saves as draft; Choose which content has to be uses; Choose which meta-keys / meta-value has to be saves and/or combined Create a fully comparation site in each industry; Create better SEO results by unique content.

Supported languages so-far

Dutch Englisch

(More languages are expected in future updates) No duplicate content!! The plugin is developed with our eye on SEO results, that means no (or less) duplicate content. When you choose to combine messages, only one message (which you can select) will stay published. The oter posts(s) will be saves as draft immediately so you will have no duplicate content in those posts! Screenshots