Canvas Slider - jQuery Canvas Effect Slider

Last Update
9 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Canvas Slider is a jQuery banner rotator plugin with animation effects, animated captions, responsive layout, and touch support for mobile devices. The thumbnails and bullets control allow for easy navigation of your slider.

This slider includes a smooth animation effect created using HTML5 Canvas which is completely configurable and compatible with all major browsers (including IE, Firefox Chrome, Opera, and Safari) and mobile platforms like iphone / ipad. The slider also work well in older browsers with fade transition.

Multiple customized slider instances can happily live on the same page, and the slider offers a simple API to control the slider’s behaviour from within your custom scripts.


24 unique animation effects Simple clean and valid markup Animated HTML captions (fade, up, down, left, right) Responsive Fixed dimension Directional navigation Control navigation (index, custom index, bullets, and thumbnails) Support linking images Touch screen support API methods Mouse wheel scroll and arrow keys navigation Free support and upgrades