Easy Reading

Last Update
26 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Easy Reading is a simple Wordpress Plugin that shows an high contrast and more readable version of the current post or page. Easy reading is useful for people who have low vision, colorblindness or other visual impairments or simply to decrease eye strain. Users can simply click on the icon in the bottom-right side of the screen to activate Easy Reading.


Upload the Easy Reading plugin to your blog and activate it, is very easy. Customize the plugin through the “Easy Reading” menu voice.

Menu Inside the Easy Reading Menu you can find the following options:

Window width – The width in pixel of the high contrast window. Default font size – The default font size of the high contrast window. Font Family – The default font family of the high contrast window.

Documentation Easy Reading comes with its own set of comprehensive instructions, if that doesn’t help with your situation, please feel free to email me via my user page.