Premium Company Profle App Template

Last Update
9 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Description Premium Company Profile App Template is a native template application using android application for promote your company profile, product, service, contact and more. In this app you can add your about, vision and mision your company. You can include your company product or service. Not only that you can add your contact with address, phone number, email address, your location link, and your social media network like facebook, twitter, linkedin or subcribe in youtube. This template application is built using android 2.1 above and all data handled with Sqlite Database. If you buy this app you can get not one file but 10 files with 10 different background color integrated in this template.

Feature 1. Handled with Sqlite Database. 2. Include 10 different files. 3. Include 10 different background color. 4. Integrate with social media like twitter, facebook, linkedin, and youtube then Google Maps Link. 5. Perfect to create Company Profile with product and service. 6. Contact Company with email and phone call number. 7. Easy customized. 8. Include User Guide. 9. More ++

Support You can email me at for reported bug and give me a suggestion for improving this app, I am very appreciate that Appreciate my work Some of Testimonial I love this app!! It made me $200 the easy way. This app is totally cool!!

Check some client using this app : 1. Dustin Delivery . 2. Rawang Burger Bakar.

Credits 1. All icon free from Android Developer here. 2. All image free from here.