PHP Users Online

Last Update
17 December 2011
Regular License
Extended License

v1.01 released – Dec 17th, 2011

Welcome to PHP Users Online, the MySQL powered Users Online script, another high quality script designed and created by Jigowatt exclusively for ThemeForest.

By purchasing and integrating this script into your existing website you can create a dynamic variable ($users) that can be displayed in any way & anywhere on the page.

By calling one function, the script gets the visitors IP address and in turn adds the user to the database (increasing the user count by one) checks and deletes any old database entries (cleans up) and echos the result instantly, a simple but extremely useful script!

Implementation is easy (within 3 steps your up and running!) and requires very little previous MySQL or PHP knowledge.

View our Live Demo!

Main Features

Integrate into any PHP page All-Browser Compatible (IE6+, FF, Safari and more) MySQL Database Backend Very Easily CSS Styled – 1 .class Functions from just 1 file and 1 include! Uses correct English gramma (1 User, 2 Users) Dynamic Value stored as $variable Multiple instances can be displayed

Online Documentation You can view the installation guide and FAQ’s by following this link:Guide & FAQ’s

Live Demo You can view a demo of our installation below View Live Demo

Server Requirements Supports PHP 4.x or later Supports MySQL 4.x or later (Requires 1 Database)

Can be tweaked or modified once purchased if you know the PHP language.

Support Please contact with any questions you may have via e-mail (use the contact form via our Profile), full online documentation and support FAQ’s included with the file for simple integration in your existing website.

Tags: users, online, function, php, mysql, display, variable, simple, user online, include


16/12/2011 - v1.01 - Remove deprecated code

14/07/2009 - v1.0 - Main public release

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