SEO Plugin

Last Update
4 May 2011
Regular License

This plugin makes it possible to concentrate the management of meta data of the whole project in one place. Also, the plugin is another useful addition that helps to integrate into your project the friendly urls. Plugin required:

PHP5 CakePHP 1.3.x

Plugin features:

Easy management of meta data project Ability to set meta data is the default for all pages of the project Localization ready (default English) Optional integrated behavior friendly links Establish with any DBMS supported CakePHP framework

Demo: In the Administration Console you can see how to work the management SEO meta data of the project. To access the console, use the:login – seo_managerpassword – seo_manager Here and here, the you can see and try to work action behavior friendly links. Changelog: 1.0.1

Source upgraded to CakePHP 1.3.x Fixed small errors