UberMenu - Conditionals Extension

Last Update
24 September 2012
Regular License

This plugin is an extension for UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin

UberMenu Conditionals adds the option to conditionally display or hide any item in your UberMenu. It adds a new option to each menu item, where you can select which condition must be met via a select box.

Hidden items will be completely absent from the HTML markup, not hidden via CSS, and all child items of hidden items will be removed as well.

Watch the Demo Video »

Predefined conditions include:

If user is logged in If user is not logged in If user can [capability] If user cannot [capability] On front page Not on front page On home page (main blog) Not on home page (main blog) On a page Not on a page On a single Post Not on a single Post On a page template Not on a page template On a Category Archive On a Tag Archive On a Taxonomy Archive On an Author Archive page On any archive page On Search Results page On 404 page On a single Page, Post, or Attachment Is Post Type [type]

Parameters can be passed to many of the functions to restrict the condition to a particular post/Page or set of posts/Pages, for example.

Users can also define custom conditions in PHP via a filter. An example and function template is provided in the documentation.

New! Easily add a logout link to your menu


WordPress 3.4+ UberMenu 2.1+

UberMenu not included; must be purchased separately.


v1.1 - Feature Release (September 24, 2012)

* New Predefined Condition: Is Post Type [type] * Ability to easily add logout link to conditional menu item