JBMarket Image Gallery

Last Update
15 September 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Image Gallery is JavaScript (jQuery based) script converting unordered list into an Image Gallery with Lightbox.

Can display thumb images, big images for the lightbox, description text for the thumb images and description text for the lightbox.

jQuery driven

Width adjustable

Supports full-screen mode


Open the gallery.html file and follow the instructions inside. The package comes with built-in demo. You will only need to replace the images and the description. To add more images simply duplicate one of the lists (“li”).

Example of gallery with 1 image (including the big image for the lightbox):

<ul class="jb-gallery"> <li> <img class="thumb" src="Link to thumb image" alt="Lightbox Text" /> <img class="image" src="Link to big image" alt="image" /> <p class="description">Description Text</p> <a href="#" class="read_more">Read more...</a> </li> </ul>