Description This program is called the App Store, created using codeigniter, jquery mobile, php, javascript and use my sql as database.
This program is very useful for those who want to promote their products. Im using baby stores as an example in this application. Features
1. Information Store (store name, store address, store logo, etc) 2. Product Information (product name, description, price, etc) 3. share to social media: facebook, twitter and google plus. 4. contact page 5. Product Gallery (im using photoswipe) 6. Tell a friend 7. Admin page to manage all product and information store 8. Support All Mobile Platform 9. User guide 10. Image slideshow (im using Flexslider)
Support You can email me at if there is something you want to ask. do not worry I’m very glad to be friends Upgrade 1. Buy product using paypal 2. Add marker in googlemaps