jQuery Image Gallery

Last Update
12 February 2012
Regular License


  Latest update on (02/11/2012)

Overview: This is an image gallery jQuery plugin featuring a horizontal thumbnail layout. The sliding thumbnails and buttons allow for easy navigation of your image portfolio. The gallery is also re-sizable and configurable through the plugin’s parameters.


Multiple image transitions available. Also can set transition individually, randomly or turn off transition. Able to turn auto image rotation on/off with configurable time delay. Changeable number of thumbnails visible per scroll. Image and thumbnails’ container size are re-sizable. Mouse over main image to access directional buttons for navigating previous/next image. Thumbnail directional buttons and pagination indexes allow for navigating thumbnails. Editable captions available for each thumbnail. Different links are assignable for each image. Different text descriptions are assignable for each image. Text description can be aligned top or bottom. Updates on 2/11/2012:

Added mousewheel support. Added touchscreen support. Added option to align whole thumbnail list to top or bottom. Added smaller play and directional buttons option. Miscellaneous UI and css changes.

Updates on 3/13/2011:

Added horizontal and vertical slide image transition. Added thumbnail click navigation if index and thumbnail directional buttons are disabled. Various small UI improvements.

Updates on 9/13/2010:

Added shuffle option to images. Added timer bar indicator to main screen. Able to set individual time delay for each image.