Simple Backup

Last Update
16 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This app will archive a folder of your choice, with a option to include a MySQL database as part of the backup. Designed to be small and simple, the entire script is just a single php file making it very easy to install and distribute along side your projects.


Backup of your server files into a single zip archive Download backups to your computer Automate you backups with a cron task Email notifications when your backups are complete Mobile and tablet friendly


1.5.1 15-08-2013

Updated zip file, added source files, added readme file

1.5 20-05-2013

Bug fix sql dump for PRIMARY and UNIQUE indexes

1.4 07-05-2013

Fixed sql dump for UNIQUE indexes Fixed redirect when deleting/creating a backup to redirect to last page the user was on.

1.3 29-04-2013

Updated style to support mobile devices

1.2 16-04-2013

Fixed routing issues (nginx/php-fastcgi) Updated form styling

1.1 30-10-2012

Added the option to include a MySQL database dump Added email notification when the backup completes Added command line support to run as a cron task Updated overall styling

1.0 20-05-2010

Initial release