Square Live Chat

Last Update
21 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

About You can learn more about Square Live Chat from the documentation. It is also included in your download.

Square Live Chat can be used as a group chat box, live support system, or any other purposes. It uses text files to store messages and doesn’t require a database nor a socket server. It also supports multiple languages and custom themes. You can read more about that from the documentation linked above.

If you like our work and would like to see more from us then please don’t forget to rate . Report all the bugs you find to our e-mail or comments. We will fix them as soon as possible.

Demo If you want to access the administration of the support chat demo, the username and password are admin and pass respectively.


How to update?

Download the script and overwrite the files you previously had. Note that some changes you make to the code may be overwritten. Follow the documentation when translating or re-designing the site to avoid complications.

1.1.3 (April 20, 2013)

Links posted in the chat now open in a new tab or window

1.1.2 (September 23, 2012)

New documentation Fixed apostrophes in chat Set amount of lines to be logged in configuration Fixed PHP compability issue for lower versions Fixed Internet Explorer 8 javascript errors Prevented joined/left messages from being logged

1.1.1 (September 13, 2012)

Clicking on a user allows you to whisper easily Links are automatically converted into clickable hyperlinks Profanities (or any other words) can be censored Fixed case-insensitive password-protected nicknames

1.1.0 (September 10, 2012)

Fixed a bug where typing "message" turned into "undefined" (Thanks, iAlex!) HTML is now disabled in the chat Emoticons



Works in all browsers Channels (chat rooms) Online users list Commands User system integration Track users by cookie or IP Ban users by IP (or cookie) Emotes (can also be disabled) Logging


/help See a list of all commands. /nickname Change your nickname. /whisper Send a private message. /emotes See a list of emoticons. /mute Prevent a user from sending messages. /unmute Unmute a user. /ban Restrict a user's access to chat. /unban Unban a user.


Group chat Live support

Installation Requirements

PHP 4+


Open the SquareLC folder and make a copy of the _config.php file called config.php and set your settings in that file Upload the SquareLC folder on a web hosting of your choice Give write permissions to the /SquareLC/db/ folder using an FTP client or a file browser your hosting provides (usually chmod 755 or 777 if that doesn’t work)

There’s more information available in the documentation.