J.B.News for WordPress

Last Update
27 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

J.B.News is a WordPress plugin (type widget) for displaying RSS Feeds. Requirements & Browser Support

J.B.News currently supports WordPress version 3.4 and above All modern browsers are supported, including: IE 8+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox.

jQuery driven

Uses Ajax technology

Resizable (through the admin panel)

Color customizable (through the admin panel)

Unlimited number of RSS Feed links

Switch between different RSS Feeds through the category list

Adjustable total pages limit, characters limit and feeds per page limit

Show/Hide RSS Media Thumbnails

Can display RSS news from multiple sources at once

1) Go to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New.

2) Click “Upload” and then “Browse”.

3) Select the archive “jbnews-for-wordpress.zip” and click “Install Now”.

4) Activate the J.B.Market News Widget plugin by clicking “Activate” button.

Set up

1) Go to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Appearance -> Widgets.

2) From “Available Widgets” box click and drag “J.B.News” to the desired sidebar (at the right).

3) Set desired parameters and click Save.

Note:: You can place multiple RSS links in the RSS parameter field separated by comma.

Open file <Your WordPress Directory> / wp-content / plugins / jbnews / jbnews / categories / categories.txt

Assuming you want to add new category named BBC Top Stories, at the end of the file add the following line:

BBC Top Stories >> http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml

Where “BBC Top Stories” is the title that will appear in the widget category list , “>>” separates the title and the rss link, and “http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml” is the RSS link for widget to read.


25/01/2013 - Fixed bug where the widget could break some theme layouts.

- Fixed bug where the widget could “lock” the Widget Section in the admin panel.

- Other minor bug fixes.