iX Framework Javascript Widget Framework

Last Update
17 September 2012
Regular License
Extended License

iX Framework is a comprehensive javascript widget featuring:

grid tree panel tab panel windows button menu fields accordion column layout datasource viewport.


Powered with powerful jQuery Grid

datasource grid type inline editing capabilities grid navigator button column renderer to customize each column (color, font, etc) column header drag and drop to change it’s position sort data by clicking column header lots of API and properties to play to


tree with datasource support icon for tree nodes change the default icon for tree nodes by CSS lots of API and properties to play to


Panel with toolbar Panel with button bar Panel can be collapsible Put any component inside panel Lots of API and properties to play to

Tab Panel

Put any component inside tab panel


TextField, NumberField and Combobox Field readOnly field help text for each field tooltip for field link with datasource easy to extend to create a new field type lots of API and properties to play to


viewport with north, south, east, west and center layout

Button and menu

button with icon support right icon can change button style with CSS button group toolbar support for toggle button type lots of API and properties to play to

Enjoy an integrated widget with support of theme and lots of customization.

Please check out the demo

Release Update 2012-09-17 - fix combo box position in chrome - add viewport demo - fix viewport now doesn’t need to have all region items. you can have viewport with north,center,south only for example.