DDSlider - 10 Transitions - Inline Content Support

Last Update
21 October 2010
Regular License
Extended License

DDSlider introduces a new easy-to-go slider with 9 different unique transitions (+fading & random—11 total) that support Inline Content. You can also have multiple sliders in the same page



Inline Content Support

11 Different Unique Transitions Support to all major browsers including IE6 Auto Play Supports arrows and selectors Choose arrows and selectors simply Set the number of bars and squares Define specific transition for sliders Auto Pause when user hovers the slider

Changelog Update v1.6 09/07/2010 - Documentation regarding inline content improved - Selector now change at the beginning of the transition - Download file includes working example of inline content like Live Demo

Update v1.7 21/06/2010 - Transitions defined by classes, not title.

Update v1.5 21/06/2010 - Fixed bug when the user has only one slide.

Update v1.4 08/06/2010 - 1px gap bug on some browsers has been fixed

Update v1.3 - 05/06/2010 - use of delay() discontinued. Now DDSlider is compatible with versions prior to 1.4

Update v1.2 - 26/05/2010 - Added 'rowInterlaced' transition - Transitions improved. When using smaller images, transitions will fadeOut/In previous sliders.

Update v1.1 - 25/05/2010 - Fixed selectors multiple click bug. Now selectors can only be clicked when transition is NOT being played.