ExcelPro Reader - MySQL

Last Update
2 September 2012
Regular License
Extended License

With this tool, you will be able to analyze excel files to create Tables and add the rows into your MySQL Database with easy and simple functions. Also, you can make HTML tables from that file.

There are 4 main areas:

1- Read the excel file and create a Query that makes a full instruction to pump all the data on your Excel File.

2- From the Readed excel file, you can create a downloable utf8 .sql file, ready for your MySQL database.

3- Create a HTML Table with the selected records with the same style and structure contained in the original file.

4- Create a super quick table from the readed file with a default style. (You can configure this in the style.css file)


Zip funcion for a quick file download (for big files) Some useful JavaScript functions Usefull php functions EXCELPRO MYSQL -EXCEL READER V2 .0

- Performance improvement. - Added Zip function. - Added utf8 default format. - Simplified methos to read the file.