Core Scanner add-on for Security Ninja

Last Update
3 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

scan WP core files with one click – test the plugin now

quickly identify problematic files

restore modified files with one click great for removing exploits and fixing accidental file edits/deletes view files’ source to take a closer look

fix broken WP auto-updates

color-coded results separate files into 5 categories:

files that are modified and should not have been files that are missing and should not be files that are modified and they are supposed to be files that are missing but they are not vital to WP files that are intact

detailed help and description easy-to-use GUI

Details, help, FAQ


v1.30 - August 2nd 2013 * WP v3.6 update * minor bug fix

v1.25 - June 22th 2013 * WP v3.5.2 update

v1.22 - January 24th 2013 * WP v3.5.1 update

v1.20 - December 21th 2012 * minor improvements

v1.10 - December 11th 2012 * WP v3.5 update

v1.03 - September 7th 2012 * WP v3.4.2 update

v1.0 - August 31th 2012 * initial release