Paypal Payment Pack

Last Update
17 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Ready to use on your website! Paypal Payment Pack has been created to quick and easy to implement in any website. The pack has 5 Payment Terminals: -Paypal Terminal a Single Product, buy a single element -Paypal Terminal Multiple Product, buy multiple items (like a cart) -Paypal Terminal Subscription -Paypal Terminal Donation -Buy me a beer

Features: MySql registration, easy installation (new 1.1) Email purchase more detailed (new 1.1) Using IPN notification messages to create purchase / payment Works with any type of PayPal account validation of fields with jquery validate engine Easy to use and setup 4 css form styles Possibility to activate the Sandbox Paypal Easy customization Manual on how to use Paypal SandBox (make sure everything work)

Works fine on Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, & Safari

Upgrade 1.1

Optionally, you can enable the logging option in MySql