Facebook Viral App - Your Latest Visitors

Last Update
23 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Live Demo - App Live Demo - Admin Panel Username: admin Password: password

FeaturesWith this interactive and interesting facebook application users can find out their profile’s latest visitors (Randomly selected 9 friends, friends of opposite sex preferred). More over, they are required to like a page and invite their friends to see the results, making the app go viral once a few users have used it. This is awesome for a marketing campaign and you can get easily thousands of like/fans for your facebook fan page quickly.

Quick and easy setup. No programing knowledge and file editing needed.An easy to use administration panel is there to for everything.

Like Gate: force your app users to like your page.

Invite Gate: Ability to Invite friends to your facebook app forcefully, or let the users choose on their own. (Configurable)

Translation ready. Customize each and every UI message, invite mesage, etc from the admin panel, easily  (WYSIWYG editor included)

Ability to set the facebook album name, album description and photo description

Trackback (a link to your facebook app) from the facebook album description/photo description, to increase exposure.

Ability to change the font and size of the text in the generated image.

Automatically share the generated image along with the profile pics of selected friends. (Configurable)

The profile pics are tagged appropriately, increasing the viral effect. (configurable)

The “recent visitors” are selected randomly, while giving preferance to friends of opposite sex, just to spice up the results. (So that more people use the app)

Ability to change the generated image padding, size, template, etc. (So that you can make your own template and even a brand new app)

Killer landing page and it’s PSD included

The generated image is mapped with links to profiles of the respective friends, so that the user can click on them to go to thier profiles.

As fbssl.co stopped it’s free services, we will shortly launch a SSL adaptor service, which will be free for our buyers.Subscribe to get notified when we launch it.

Automatic caching of images generated to avoid server overload by repeated refreshes/reloads by users.No need to setup complex cron jobs.

Automatically generated Terms of Service, Contact form and Privacy policy included in the app. (Now required for each app on facebook)

NB: For customized and more Facebook viral apps, add me on Skype (technofreak777)