Webmoney Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

Last Update
4 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This plugin provides a Webmoney Payment Gateway for WooCommerce.

WebMoney is an electronic money and online payment system (transactions are conducted through WebMoney Transfer). WM Transfer Ltd, the owner and administrator of WebMoney Transfer Online Payment System, was founded in 1998 and is a legal corporate entity of Belize, Central America. Originally targeted mainly at Russian clients, it is now used worldwide. The company claims to have more than 16 million users.

Plugin languages: - English - Russian


31.07.2013 - The RUB currency was added to WooCommerce directly 04.04.2013 - Woocommerce 2.0 compatibility fix 27.03.2013 - Update notifier added 26.01.2013 - Fixed wrong displaying of currency's symbol