Layers 3D - Parallax and Out of the Image effects!

Last Update
20 August 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Layers 3D Features

Animates your layers vertical / horizontal by scrolling of your site or animates your layers by moving your mouse cursor over the container (only at box mode) Use with ANY content you want* (images, HTML elements – for the best effect use a JPG as background and semi-transparent PNG images as layers) Responsive (only with images) Fullsize or box mode Delayed or realtime transitions 3D Factor settings Preloads layer images It’s easy to add a link to an image layer Animation settings SEO friendly Multiple browser support (IE 7+, Safari 3+, iOS Safari, Chrome 3+, Firefox 3+, Opera 10+) Works on mobile devices Detailed Documentation with examples

* The ‘mousemove’ trigger is not working with embedded videos, iframes and some Flash contents.



first release