Mountain Notifications Responsive

Last Update
27 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Item Description

- This is a beautiful apple style plugin.

- You can create the Pop Ups like the new OSx Mountain Lion. This notification plugin looks amazing on mobile devices.

- Also, you will have a side panel like the notification center completely functional.

- if you want more, check this version Mountain Notification xtra

Additional, you will have a couple of interesting codes. (Animations, slides, stylish buttons, functions…)

The most important thing!, works on IE 8, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and many mobile browsers.

You will have the attention of your users with this.

(To see the responsive functionality, remove the codecanyon frame)

Possible Uses

1. If your user need to be login to use the page, you can tell him he needs to login or register. And then use the sidebar to display your login page.

2. You can use it to tell your user he has a new personal Message, and then use the sidepanel to read that notification.

3. Insted of simple Alerts, you can make this code to tell what is happening in your site right now, for example: “Updated complete!”, “Uploading complete”, “You need to fill the blanks”.

(How to update) I have made major updates… Think about in a completely renew plugin… Check the documentation


Mountain Notification v2 - Added Notification Panel - added new Side Panel - Small boxes has been dramatically improve - Every is responsive an touch enable - More animations added - Custom HTML support inside the notifications

Mountain-Notification 1.5

1. Animation Support

*bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, rotateInDownRight, rollIn, lightSpeedIn,

Mountain-Notification 1.0

1. First version.