“Funny Jokes” is a ready made jokes site which consists of more than 40,000 jokes which are distributed among 65 categories, beside 40,000+ jokes it also allows users and guests to submit their own jokes which the admin can approve. It allows visitors to rate the jokes, so that, the best jokes stand apart.
40,000+ jokes 65 categories Google Adsense support Social network buttons integrated User rating User jokes submission Guests jokes submission Unlimited pages creation via CMS SEO friendly URLs Easily customizable Themes support Admin panel Manage jokes Advanced searching Manage pages Manage Google Ads Export user list Dashboard with stats/graphs
Admin http://www.madlogics.com/jokes-app/index.php/admin username/password: admin/123456
PHP 5 .1.0 or higher is required. MySQL 5.x PDO MySQL extension PHP GD http://madlogics.com/jokes-app/requirements