DeliMenu - CSS3 Menu with User based Features

Last Update
1 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

DeliMenu is a pure HTML and CSS mega menu created to be simple in its design and powerful in its capabilities. DeliMenu, in addition to long link-lists, detailed description and design menus, tied notification indicators and bubbles, and its unique menu designs, it comes with a user-specific drop down that includes user details and login form. DeliMenu is cross-browser compatible and is optimized to support right to left languages as it does left to right. DeliMenu includes a detailed PDF document to walk you through utilizing all of its features.


Notification Indicators Link columns – for long link lists Text-based columns Custom User Menu with login form Drop down links with descriptions Right or Left menu justification Optimized RTL Support Valid HTML / CSS Cross Browser Support Detailed Documentation Included

Browser Compatibility The browser compatibility is listed in the sidebar. However, it is worth noting that the rounded corners and shadows may not be displayed in older browser versions (such as IE6-IE8).