Maili - Newsletter System

Last Update
16 August 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Use these for the loginUser: andreapass: thisisok


Maili is a newsletter system which allows you to manage a mailing list in a very simple way. You can add it to your website easily. It’s very simple to install it (it has an installer integrated). Finally it has the same GUI on every devices.


easy to install (an installer is integrated) send and save newsletter manage easily your mailing list save your mailing list as csv file or xml file or dump sql file create, edit and remove thematic groups statistic centre integrated: you can know something about subscribers and subscriptions multilanguage system protected login same GUI on every devices User-friendly GUI well documented: quick start guide and guide for advanced users are included the future updates will be available free on the official website

Live Demo Link In this version Maili will not allow you to send emails. Moreover some features are disabled to avoid any problems.


16/08/2012 – Maili has been released