ForMeter - Form completion progress bar

Last Update
10 September 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Plugin Description ForMeter is a jQuery plugin that will allow you to add a fancy progress bar on your registration, contact, settings, CV, feedback or profile form, so the users will be able to see the percentage of form completion.


Flexible and super easy to add to existing websites Fully customizable Lightweight. The packed script weighs only 2kb 6 styles included: rainbow (from red to green), red, gray, green, orange, skyblue Prevents form submission if the user has not reached specified percentage Works in all the major browsers including IE6 You can change the width and height of each progress bar Generate beautiful progress bars for any form Well documented No external images required

Parameter list

speed : animation duration in milliseconds

style : this is the class or the ID that will stylize the progress bar

bubble : this option will enable/disable the percentage bubble under the progress bar. You can reposition and stylize the percentage bubble as you wish, by editing the formeter.1.0.css file

minPercent : Prevents form submission if the user has not reached specified percentage

message : Error message that will be displayed to the users, when the specified percentage has not been reached

selector : Determine the fields you want to recommend visitors to complete them, and give them a class recommended

Compatible Browsers This plugin has been tested in all the following browsers :

Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Firefox Safari 5.1.2 Opera 10, 11 and 11.11 Chrome 11


v1.1 - Sep 10 2012 * The percentage bubble has been restylized * Was added a new feature that will allow you to prevent form submission if the user has not reached specified percentage * Updated the documentation file * Was added a new example that illustrates how to implement the Formeter plugin with multi-step forms

v1.0 - Aug 9 2012 * initial release

Online demo and documentation

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