Maintenance - Wordpress plugin

Last Update
12 July 2013
Regular License

Take your site down from public view with a click of a button hiding the site when you need to change a few things or run an upgrade, making it only accessible by login and password. There is also an area to add a custom message which will be shown to the users while your site is down. Users stay on the same page when they input wrong initials.


Dynamic appearance User friendly back end Add text, logo, background Login as wordpress user User validation Time countdown Add video HTML editor


Download plugin, find and unzip the archive on your computer. Upload the files into your plugins folder (located at /wp-content/plugins/) or into a sub folder of the plugins folder. Go to “installed plugins”, find maintenance in the list, hit “activate”.

Change log

1.3 - Added Options = Do not return "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable". - Re-directed user to the root of the doman (not to subdirectory). - Bugfix

1.2.1 - Admin bar checkbox bug fix

1.2 - Wordpress 3.5 ready - Translation ready - Added russian language for translation - Added notification button in admin bar - Central block and logo positions changed - Added colorpicker for buttons - Css bug fix

1.1.2 - Add option for display admin bar

1.1.1 - Add 503 unavailable server response code

1.1 - Css bug fix

1.0 - Initial release