Source Guard - Website Source Encoder/Encryptor

Last Update
6 August 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Source Guard is PHP class for encoding/encryption and obfuscating your website output source code.

This is first stable dynamic source encoder at codecanyon! Its easy to integrate with your wordpress or other PHP scripts!


<?php include('path/to/sourceGuard.class.php'); $sg = new sourceGuard();


$sg -> Run(1); //Replace to encoding mode 2 or 3, if you want ?>

Source Guard class features

Two encoding modules included (HTML obfuscator and JavaScript encoder). Three website source protection modes. Easy installation – insert three lines code to run. Works on fly. No special requirements (only PHP 5.0 or PHP 5.x).

Why Source Guard?

This is good solution to protect your products demos at envato maketplaces. Lighweight.

Files included

Class file. HTML and PDF documentation. Demonstration panel.

Check it in action! (check iframe source)