ABC Pop iPhone Game Using Cocos2d

Last Update
4 August 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Title: ABC Pop


ABC Pop is an educational game for kids developed using the Cocos2d framework. The game displays bubbles with alphabets to the user. The user is then indicated by a female voice which bubble to pop. Once a number of bubbles are popped the user gets a star indicating points.

The ABC Pop project demonstrates many important aspects of the iPhone game development. You will learn the following skills using the ABC Pop project.

- Building the game menu - Handling touch events - Collision detection - Particle effects - Animation using actions - Playing background music and sound effects - Scene transitions


The live game is available on the App Store. You can download the game using the following link:

Video Demo:


-iMac/Macbook/Macbook Pro/Macbook Air - xCode - $99/year Apple Developer Program subscription is required to run the app on the device.