CSS3 Cube Slider - jQuery 3D slider

Last Update
28 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License


Cube Slider uses CSS3 transform property for creating 3d cubes elements and animating then in a cube slider. Using css3 images can be putted in a three dimensional space. If the browser does not support css3 transform then the slider falls back in a standard jquery slider that uses jquery easing plugin for animation images. Due to CSS3 still to complete as standard this plugins in css3 mode is best on Chrome and Safari, meanwhile works well in firefox with some small screen bugs.


Compaltible with all browsers in fallback mode Real 3D with CSS3 Best in Chrome and Safari Title support jQuery Easing for fallback slider Vertical and Horizontal rotation Auto play mode

Update v1.2 13/10/2012

Css3 bug fix on Firefox Link support over images

Update v1.1 16/08/2012

Added Navigation bullets Added new Theme