Facebook Campaign - Find Your Indian Name

Last Update
8 September 2012
Regular License
Extended License

With this interactive facebook application users can find out their indian name. This is awesome for a marketing campaign and you can get easily thousands of like/fans for your facebook fan page in just a few days.

Demo http://www.facebook.com/pages/Indian-Name/340599102686666?sk=app_152630231540719

Allover Features

Quick and easy setup (you need to edit one file) Ability to Invite friends to your facebook app You can easily set the page title and message to the facebook friend invite box Ability to set the facebook album name, album description and photo description Trackback (a link to your facebook app) from the facebook album description/photo description Ability to change the font and size of the text (indian name) The indian names are generated random This app supports unlimited indian name Ability to auto-share the indian name Design & fonts included (Fireworks Layered PNG )


PHP 5 .x PHP – Image Processing and GD Library SSL – (facebook requires it for app, free service to adapt your url to a https one here http://www.facebook.com/SocialServer/app_261728003901552)

Changelog September 7, 2012

facebook bug fix

August 7, 2012

http/https detection documentation updated

July 25, 2012

Initial release