Weather Hero is a weather forecast widget with a twist. Not only it provides ready made widget to put on your site, but its powerful class gives you the tool to take the World Weather Online API where you want to. It parse the xml and returns a well formatted array that can be accessed directly or trimmed down with easy to use methods that returns only the data you need.
It supports GEOIp reference to give your visitor the weather forecast for their location with 0 configuration, taking the information directly from their IP Address!
Since many people ask me this. The geoip service is Free and will always be.
If you don’t like georeferencing you can pass a fixed location to Weather Hero or you can mix the two options together on the same webpage!
Weather Hero supports celsius and fahrenheit temperature unit of measures as well as Miles and Kilometers per hour for wind speed.
V1.6b (September 16th 2012) ->Emergency Update. Google has discontinued its weather API without notice. This update changes the weather API to the World Weather Online one, which is still free, but requires an API key. Minimum changes will be required for old users, please refer to the included “migration.txt” file for instructions. This is an emergency update, in the next update I’ll add new options and data that the new API provides, if you find any bug please report.
V1.5 (July 9th 2012) ->Changed the system for compatibility with the v3 of the ip api. ->Fixed some issues with error reporting. ->Fixed a typo in the example file. ->Changed the version numbers in this changelog.
V1.4.2 (June 23th 2011) ->Another change in the API structure, another update.
V1.4.1 (May 27th 2011) ->Update to reflect the new API structure. ->Fixed an issue with unit of measure conversion
V1.4 (January 04th 2011) ->Added the option to set the language for the weather API . ->Fixed an issue with the weather API XML encoding that prevented the correct display of non standard characters
V1.3.1 (November 30th 2010) ->Updated the system to reflect the new infodb API .
V1.3 (November 11th 2010) ->Expanded the xml library to make it work for people with allow_url_fopen disabled.
V1.2(July 16th 2010) ->Foolproofed the cleanUrl method, will now work with every location in the world ->Added the debug option in order to debug only specific WH instances
V1.1 (June 9th 2010) ->Added support for custom icons