Gecko Content Management System

Last Update
16 July 2012
Regular License

Description Re-Think about content management systems, Gecko CMS has been developed for building websites in minutes not days. Your have a project in mind or building websites for your customers? Gecko CMS is the way to go, forget complicated, bloated and slow content management systems, Gecko CMS has been build to be intuitive, easy to use, extendable to almost anything, running on all standard web hosting (PHP and one MySQL database, Apache is a plus), browser compatibility and fast, super fast!

Build in cache system, MySQL and MySQLi support, search engine optimization, automatic site-map creation for Google an Co., RSS Feeds, modern design and functionality, secure and fast, did I mention fast?

Plugins included

Gallery Blog NivoSlider Guestbook Who is Online Register Form Creator Twitter Box Portfolio Create Site-maps for Google/Yahoo and Co.

Templates Included

darkish darkis left alps three drops

Languages available (Gecko CMS)

English German French Spanish Portugues Romanian Turkish



Wow! Gecko was already fun and great to work with but with those new implements (Gecko CMS 1.2) Gecko will be AWESOME for every type of users! First of all, thank you for your CMS the best I used so far! Many CMS out there suffer from either very slow development, bad management, complicated admin panel, overloaded with usefulness stuff, tons of errors and crashes after each updates and so on… I really was surpised of how smooth was updating from 1.0 to 1.1

Support Website

Please note: the demo can have plugins or templates available not included in the package.