PHP Mobile phone detection

Last Update
11 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

With this class you can easely detect mobile devices. This class is very easy to use and support lots of mobile devices, even the new Mac iPad. Supported devices

Android Blackberry iPhone iPod iPad Opera mini devices Palm OS Windows Mobile Generic devices like PSP , PDA, wap phones, ....

Updates 1.7 28/06/2011

Fixed iPhone 4 problem Added some extra detections for generic devices Added HTC HD2 detection

1.6 10/03/2011

Fixed property not found bug

1.5 18/11/2010

Fixed problem with Palm detection

1.4 27/09/2010

Fixed Safari 4.1 detect as mobile

1.3 02/05/2010

Fixed iPad detection

1.2 17/04/2010

Support for Windows Mobile 6.5