Retina Pro: CSS3 Retina Business Pro 2 Button Set

Last Update
10 July 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Retina Pro is a fantastic retina CSS3 button set, built for any type of website or app. Each button is accompanied with the appropriate retina requirements for optimal viewing on any retina device. Another step towards future-proofing your web presence. View the Video Screencast Demo

The Highlights

Retina Ready Assets: We’ve added in retina-ready icons for each of the 18 Buttons in all 7 colors, to ensure your final website looks superb on ALL retina devices. Wether it’s an iPhone, iPad, or Retina Macbook Pro, your buttons will look phenomenal.

Simple & Easy Implementation: The buttons are made to be extremely easy to use. Basically theres the global button style, which is the size, padding, text, the color style (which includes the hover) and lastly, the icon style. Mix and match the color and icon to get the button of your choice. Here’s an example of the blue download button HTML . See, it’s simple.

<a href="#" class="button blue"><span class="download" />Download</a>

Superb Help/Documentation: You get a top-of-the-line documentation website in your hands when you purchase this Retina button set. It’s easy to navigate, looks/feels just right, and is extremely handy.

The Nitty Gritty (Package Contents) Full HTML / CSS files 126 included icons (different colors) 126 Retina icons Killer HTML /CSS Documentation Package Keep Up-to-Date with new Plugins, Themes, Code, and Freebies. Yes, we have a newsletter. Sign up for it right here. We’ll let you know every so often when theres some new goods in town for you. They’ll be no spamming from us.

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