Showcase v1.2

Last Update
25 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

According to the latest Envato Licensing rules, authors are no longer able to purchase Extended License plugins for use in stock web templates or themes for sale – unless there is prior permission given by the author. If you plan on including Showcase in your stock item for sale, permission is granted using the Extended License.

Showcase offers over 60 animation settings that can be applied to each Bullet, providing the maximum level of customization possible. The script is lightweight and amazingly fast, even on Mobile Devices. Create an unlimited number of Showcase Bullets on top of any HTML element. Each fully customizable bullets expand to ToolTips – containing any HTML content you want. ToolTips are additionally linked to Lightboxes that you can also style and customize independently. Lightboxes can optionally be chained – with navigation controls automatically added.

With extensive browser testing, Showcase is 100% browser compatible and provides touch support along with many additional Mobile settings. We provide excellent customer support for our scripts, most questions are answered same day. The plugin comes with the 4 samples on the demo page and a very comprehensive PDF (see screenshots).