WP Dialogize

Last Update
7 July 2012
Regular License

Preview Front-end: http://www.mrplugins.it/WpPlugins/wp_Dialogize/

Back-end: http://www.mrplugins.it/WpPlugins/wp_Dialogize/wp-admin

UserID: Dialogize

Password: Dialogize   This is a WORDPRESS version of my “JQuery Dialogize” plugin,it can “DIALOGIZE” all content in your posts or pages! You can use it instead a simple javascript alert!!! From the control panel you can choose a lot of options to give dialogbox a style and to do more things.

you can use this plugin to make clickable a text and/or image to see a simple alert dialog, read a pdf within the box, to zoom you image or to built a confirm dialog with callback function: “simple dialog”: this generates your dialogBox with your “content”,

“pdf reader” : the dialogBox becomes a pdf Reader, its path is pdf_src option

“img zoom”: in this case dialogBox becomes a zoom image…. N.B. there is another plugin that provide to image resize

“confirm dialog”: the dialogBox becomes a confirm form whith button “YES” or “NO” and function of callback

callback functions are available before the dialog is opened and/or after is closed some css styles via js code

different color and images for each dialog type

draggable and resizable dialogs

You can specify a precise width/height to dialog else pluging do it automatically depending on window size

IT will give your clients a major usability of some contents.