More Social Branding Pro - Pagelines Section

Last Update
26 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Latest update: 2.1.0 (3/26/13) – Added Instagram Description More Social Branding Pro is a drop in replacement for the Pagelines core Branding section. More Social Branding Pro unlocks social network features found only on Pagelines Pro, adds 110 social networks, adds more options, and easy icon theming. Note: More Social Branding Pro only works with the Pagelines theme framework (pro or lite edition). Features Add 110 Social Networks Bonus: 7 Envato Marketplace Icons Easy, drop-in Icon Theming Unlocks Pagelines Pro social network features for Pagelines Lite (free edition) Adds even more functionality to PageLines Pro Lots of options Easy to use Drag and Drop Pagelines Pro and Lite compatible Fully documented Testimonials “When I learned that Pagelines Lite didn’t offer social icons, I was bummed until I found the More Social Branding plugin by Higher Ground Studio. The plugin works great, and put my icons right at the top of the page, where everyone can see them! Kyle was super helpful and very courteous, and I highly recommend his work!!” -Dottie, Icons Added 3docean activeden aim amazon android aol apple appstore audiojungle bebo behance bing bleetbox blinklist blogger brightkite cargocollective codecanyon coroflot delicious designfloat designmoo deviantart digg diglog dopplr dribbble dzone ebay email ember evernote facebook flickr forrst foursquare fresqui friendfeed friendster furl gamespot github googlebuzz gowalla gplus graphicriver gravee grooveshark gtalk hi5 hyves identica ilike Instagram isociety lastfm linkedin livejournal magnolia metacafe misterwong mixx mobileme msn mynameise myspace netvibes newsvine ning openid orkut pandora paypal picasa pimpthisblog pinterest plurk posterous qik readernaut reddit rss sharethis skype slashdot sphere sphinn spotify springpad stumbleupon technorati themeforest tripadvisor tuenti tumblr twitter viddler videohive vimeo virb webshots windows wordpress xing yahoo yahoobuzz yelp youtube zanatic zootool Requirements Pagelines theme (Pro or Lite) Pagelines Section Plugin (free) Demo Need a custom PageLines Section? Contact us and we will get started on it. Most custom sections cost only $19.99!