Loyalty Rewards for WooCommerce

Last Update
9 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Features includes:

NEW Table of predefined points values Loyalty points system, works by exchanging points with money at the checkout process. Give points / money to certified buyer when they review a product. Extra rewards per payment gateway Subscription rewards Coupon code to give rewards Auto update feature in WordPress Extra rewards per product Show in email rewards earned and used Show rewards in the product page Give older orders rewards Possibility of choosing the percentage of rewards for each sales Choose where to show the rewards of the customer Custom page “My rewards” added to WooCommerce, the customer can see how much they earned and how much they spend in rewards Possibility to choose where to apply the rewards (Subtotal, Total or Total without shipping) User with rewards can use them on their next order Wordpress shortcode to show how much the customer has in their cart and in their account

Upcoming features:

“Buy with X points this product” points system Refer a friend and get rewards Detailed user rewards in admin

Required version:

Wordpress 3.1+ WooCommerce 1.4+

Changelog: v2.0.6 – August 08 2013

Added table of predefined points values Fixed Extra rewards

v2.0.5 – April 28 2013

Added user role selection Updated .po

v2.0.4 – April 20 2013

Fixed bug with Woo no-cache Fixed bug in view-rewards

v2.0.3 – April 16 2013

Fixed Woo 2.0.7

v2.0.0.1 – March 16 2013

Fixed Woocommerce 2 Fixed comments rewards with Woocommerce 2 Fixed woocommerce-info class for Woo2 Fixed warning when changing product variations Added Payment Gateway’s extra Added Option to not deduct shipping with using rewards Added shortcode and function in documentation to show product rewards to be earned Added subscription rewards attribution Added a link to rewards text

v1.1.9.4 – January 07 2013

Fixed checkout with use button Fixed give older order button

v1.1.9.3 – December 11 2012

Added fallback method to “use_my_rewards” button for missing hooks on themes

Fixed multilang

v1.1.9.2 – November 09 2012

Really fixed issue for Use my rewards checkbox on checkout

v1.1.9.1 – November 06 2012

Fixed issue for Use my rewards checkbox on checkout

v1.1.9 – October 15 2012

Added Auto-Update feature in Wordpress Added Coupon types to give rewards Fixed issue with grouped product Added text to completed email

v1.1.8 – October 08 2012

Fixed issue with money not being formatted

v1.1.7 – September 29 2012

Added Rewards to users list

v1.1.6 – September 25 2012

Text changed

v1.1.5 – September 24 2012

Text changed to make sense! Fixed settings scripts Fixed security problem

v1.1.4 – September 22 2012

Added filter hooks to plugin Fixed bug in admin when showing how much points customer has used

v1.1.3 – August 26 2012

Fixed bug with subtotal

v1.1.2 – August 26 2012

Fixed bug in paypal when canceling the order

v1.1.1 – August 18 2012

Added: Setting “Rewards to rewards” to give or not rewards when customer used his rewards in an order Fixed a bug in admin when changing a user rewards value Fixed a bug in admin with the .js not being loaded Fixed a bug when calculating percentage of rewards Fixed a bug when using rewards money and > 999$ Fixed a bug when using rewards and total amount of cart is zero Calculating rewards used now works with coupon

v1.1.0 – August 04 2012

Points system with exchange to money at the checkout Extra rewards per item (Works with every kind of products) Show rewards earned in emails Give rewards for item review only to certified buyer Subtract rewards when order is canceled/deleted Show rewards in the product page (With auto update when the quantity or variation has changed) Give rewards to older orders Added useful php functions in documentation

v1.0.1 – June 30 2012

Updated documentation Prepared for points system

v1.0.0 – June 29 2012

First release